Founder& CEO
Emma has over 30 years’ experience in music education, specialising in music as a key intervention in early development, communication and wellbeing. Emma is a founder member of Music Educators and Researchers in Young Children (MERYC-England), the London Early Years Music Network (LEYMN) and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
Emma established Music House for Children in 1994 as a centre for music teaching, training and resources. She has worked extensively with childminders, families, children’s centres, nursery and day settings, SENCO (additional needs) units and individuals. She has trained in the UK and overseas including universities (Malta), orphanages (Lebanon), and with people working with vulnerable families and profound language delay. She has spoken at numerous conferences in the UK and internationally. Emma researches into the benefits of movement, music and imaginative play on early communication. Her research papers can be downloaded here. Emma's award winning teaching books and hand crafted instruments are available here. She established a podcast to encourage interactive reading and writes songs to encourage shared musical play.
Emma writes articles online and for magazines - anything that highlight the impact of music in early childhood. See here.
In her spare time Emma is a member of the British Red Cross and a trustee of Children for Health. She loves cold water swimming, is an accomplished pianist, brass, ukulele and fife player. She has three sons and array of wild life. ​

Business and Finance Manager
Magda studied Business Management, and has worked for Music House for Children since 2003. She brings a wealth of experience in handling finance, budgets and charitable funds. Magda is committed to the cause of music provision as a right for all children and is an active participant of Music House’s concerts, lessons and workshops to ensure inclusivity and quality is retained. Magda is mother to a beautiful fur baby, Synus.

Music Educator & Promotions Co-ordinator
Hannah has been a musician from an early age, and has enjoyed a career of teaching, performing and promoting music in her professional and personal life. Hannah graduated from Newcastle University’s Folk & Traditional Music degree in 2020. She has since taught as a one-to-one tutor, classroom music teacher, English second language teacher and learning support assistant in the UK and abroad. Hannah’s dedication to the provision of music for all thrives through public relations, marketing and the promotion of Music House for Children and Music House Courses to the locality and beyond.

Music Co-ordinator
Fynn started playing the violin at 7 years of age. He has since has developed a love for all stringed instruments and music education. Fynn studied music at the University of Birmingham. His great love love for music and children has evolved into a committed career supporting learning and life skills through multi-modal lessons, instrumental workshops, group lessons and supporting emerging teachers. Fynn loves climbing, all things outdoors and playing the didgeridoo.

Non-Executive Director
Julia has nearly 30 years working in Schools Finance. She was the Schools’ Finance Support Adviser at 3BM Ltd, responsible for supporting fourteen schools in four boroughs in financial planning and budget monitoring.
Julia provides advice to schools' senior leadership teams and Governing Bodies. Julia brings her immense knowledge of the sector to Music House for Children, with a shared passion on achieving positive outcomes for all beneficiaries. Julia is a latent cellist and former dancer.

Committee Member
With an MA in Education Clare worked for the Child to Child Trust for many years helping to embed the philosophy of children's participation in health. Having achieved her MSc in International Maternal and Child Health Clare later established Children for Health (www.childrenforhealth.org) .
Clare's expertise in nurturing improved life chances for the world’s most vulnerable children is hugely valued. She helps to transform communities with practical, thoughtful health information and resources to empower children around the world. With her extraordinary knowledge and experience in multi-diverse communities Clare provides valuable guidance in Music House for Children's programmes and intervention work.
Committee Member
Paula’s professional career has been dedicated to arts education and social housing. With a Masters in Education (Australia) Paula trained at the London Contemporary Dance School in 1999. Formally Head of Education she oversaw the development of many early programmes at Music house for Children including projects for vulnerable youngsters, and children with an EHCP.
Now committed to her work in social housing Paula specialises in digital and organisational transformation, both as a consultant and and as the Digital Programme Manager. She has a passion for great customer experience, be it digital or otherwise, and has kept her love of all things creative though her bands RTP, Vespers and more recently Jenny & P.
Paula is a passionate advocate of justice and intervention to empower children and families, and brings knowledge, wisdom and experience to the committee.